Badminton Australia Confirms New CEO

Badminton Australia announced on Wednesday 8th of January that Jamie Parsons (pictured above) would be joining as its new CEO. Below is a copy of the media release.


Badminton Australia is delighted to announce the appointment of Jamie Parsons as its new Chief Executive Officer, commencing on Thursday 6th February 2020.

Parsons comes to Badminton Australia with a diverse range of senior leadership experience across the Australian and international sporting landscape. Parsons brings a proven track record of growing participation across sport, and developing and delivering world class programs that support high performance athletes and officials.

Badminton Australia President Andrew Greenway said, “We are delighted to have someone of Jamie’s calibre and experience joining Badminton Australia to continue to work with the Badminton community to drive and develop our sport”.

“Parsons is known for his collaborative leadership style, innovation in building partnerships with stakeholders and developing high performance athletes, coaches and officials” Greenway said.

“His experience in state sporting organisations, national sport organisations and international sport events will be invaluable to develop the badminton community and the development of athletes.

Parsons is currently finishing his role as CEO of Gymnastics Victoria. He is also the former Chief Operating Officer at Netball Australia, General Manager Operations at the World Swimming Championships, and a Senior Manager at the Deaflympic Games. Jamie has also been a Board member of Football Federation Victoria, Little Athletics Victoria and was recently elected as a Board member to Vicsport, the peak body for sport in Victoria.

Jamie has received numerous awards for his work in the sport industry including an organisation award for excellence in creating inclusive communities in 2017, was a finalist for the Victorian sports administrator of the year award in 2016 and received a Commonwealth Community Sports Achievement Award in 2013.

Jamie holds a degree in business and post graduate diploma in law. He is also a sought-after speaker at industry events and conferences.

Jamie said “I am thrilled to have been appointed to the role of CEO with Badminton Australia and I am looking forward to working with the badminton community, partners and sponsors to strengthen the growth of the sport and the delivery of world class results on the international stage”.

“Badminton is an important sport for the Australian community. It is a sport for everyone – almost every Australian has had some involvement with badminton in their lives whether it be participating at a club, at school, or in the backyard – I am looking forward to being part of this ongoing Australian sporting legacy”.

Andrew also thanked Peter Roberts for his assistance as interim CEO. “As Interim CEO and Performance & Development Manager, Peter has provided, and will continue to be part of the leadership of Badminton in Australia. We thank Peter for stepping into the interim CEO role and leading the sport over this time”

*** END ***


Badminton Australia

15/8 Techno Park Drive, Williamstown

(03) 9397 4722

Olympic Nomination Criteria




1.1 Definitions

Unless otherwise defined below, capitalised terms in this Nomination Criteria have the meaning given to them in the AOC Olympic Team Nomination and Selection By-Law, certain of which have been reproduced below for the sake of convenience.

AOC means the Australian Olympic Committee Inc and any of its officers, employees or agents and any committee it convenes including the AOC Selection Committee.

AOC Olympic Team Nomination and Selection By-Law means the document adopted by the Executive which governs, among other things, the nomination and selection of Athletes to a team for an Olympic Games or Olympic Winter Games.

AOC Selection Committee means the committee established by the AOC to send athletes and appoint officials to the Australian Olympic team for the Games.

AOC Selection Criteria means the criteria adopted by the AOC in respect of the Games which outlines the requirements for an athlete to be selected by the AOC to participate in the Games.

Athlete means a person who:

  • (a)  participates in the Sport; and
  • (b)  is recognised by the National Federation or the AOC as eligible for nomination to the AOC for selection to the Team pursuant to this Nomination Criteria.

Automatic Qualification means an athlete / pair of athletes obtaining a quota place under the Qualification System due to their ranking in the BWF Ranking List as at 30 April 2020 but excludes circumstances where the quota place obtained is a Continental Representation Place (as defined in the Qualification System).

Continental Representation Place has the meaning given in the Qualification System. Executive means the Executive of the AOC.

Extenuating Circumstances means:

  • (a)  injury or illness;
  • (b)  equipment failure;
  • (c)  travel delays;
  • (d)  bereavement or disability arising from death or serious illness of an immediate family member, which means a spouse, de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild or sibling; or
  • (e)  any other factors considered by the National Federation to constitute extenuating circumstances.

Games means Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

International Federation means Badminton World Federation (BWF).

National Federation means Badminton Australia (BA).

Nomination Date means 10 May 2020.

Qualification Period means 29 April 2019 to 26 April 2020.

Qualification System means the eligibility, participation and qualification criteria for the Sport in respect of the Games issued by the International Federation.

Sport means Badminton.

Sport Entries Deadline means the date on which entries to a Games must be submitted by the AOC.

Team means the team of athletes and officials selected by the AOC to participate in the Sport at the Games.

1.2 Interpretation
(a) Unless the context otherwise requires, reference to:

  • (i)  a clause is to a clause of this Nomination Criteria;
  • (ii)  the singular includes the plural and the converse also applies;
  • (iii)  persons include incorporated and unincorporated bodies, partnerships, joint ventures and associations and vice versa and their legal personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes; and
  • (iv)  a party includes the party’s executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns and substitutes.

(b) If a person to whom this Nomination Criteria applies consists of more than one person, then this Nomination Criteria binds them jointly and severally.

(c) A reference to time, day or date is to time, day or date of Sydney, Australia.

(d) Headings are for convenience only and do not form part of this Nomination Criteria or affect its interpretation.


  • 2.1  This Nomination Criteria is issued by the board of the National Federation. The National Federation must provide, or otherwise make available, this Nomination Criteria to all Athletes.
  • 2.2  The National Federation may only nominate Athletes to the AOC in accordance with this Nomination Criteria.
  • 2.3  This Nomination Criteria will take effect on and from the date of approval by the AOC and will cease to have effect at the conclusion of the Games.
  • 2.4  This Nomination Criteria applies to: all Athletes;the National Federation; and the AOC.
  • 2.5  The terms of the AOC Olympic Team Nomination and Selection By-Law are incorporated by reference into this Nomination Criteria. The National Federation must provide, or otherwise make available, the AOC Olympic Team Nomination and Selection By-Law to all Athletes.


  1. 3.1  For the purpose only of identifying prospective members of the Team, the National Federation or AOC may maintain a Long List of Athletes.
  2. 3.2  For the avoidance of doubt, membership of the National Federation’s or the AOC’s Long List does not increase decrease or otherwise affect an Athlete’s prospects of being nominated by the National Federation, or being selected by the AOC, to the Team.


4.1 The National Federation may only nominate Athletes to the AOC for selection to the Team where, pursuant to the Qualification System, the International Federation has awarded the AOC or the National Federation athlete quota places.

4.2 A National Federation may not nominate more Athletes than are permitted to be nominated by the AOC under the Qualification System.


The National Federation will not nominate an Athlete unless, as at the Nomination Date, the National Federation is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the Athlete:

  • (a) Is an Australian citizen;
  • (b) is a member of the National Federation;
  • (c) satisfies the Qualification System;
  • (d) is likely to satisfy the AOC Selection Criteria;
  • (e) has not breached the AOC Anti-Doping By-Law, unless the Athlete has been sanctioned for the breach and has completed the sanction imposed; and
  • (f) does not, and is not likely to in the foreseeable future, suffer from any physical or mental impairment that would prevent the Athlete from competing at the Games to the highest possible standard for that Athlete.


6.1 In accordance with the Qualification System, Australia can be represented in Badminton at the Games by a maximum of 8 male and 8 female Athletes across five events: men’s singles, women’s singles, women’s doubles, men’s doubles and mixed doubles (the Events).

Automatic Qualification

6.2 The National Federation will nominate all Athletes who achieve Automatic Qualification in through the Qualification System to the AOC for selection.

Continental Representation Places

6.3 In accordance with the Qualification System, there must be at least one representative from each continent in each Event at the Games. If no athlete from Oceania achieves Automatic Qualification in a singles event (or pair of Athletes in a doubles event), then the Continental Representative Place will be awarded to the highest ranked athlete (or pair of athletes) from Oceania, provided that a doubles” pair must be ranked in the top 50 of the BWF World Ranking List at 30 April 2020.

Australian Representation Places

6.4  Australia can receive a maximum of five Continental Representation Places (one for each Event). However, under the Qualification System, Australia can only accept Continental Representation Places for a maximum of two Events and must decline the remaining Continental Representation Places.

6.5  If Australia receives one or two Continental Representation Places, the National Federation will nominate the Athlete, or pair of Athletes if for a doubles event, who achieve the Continental Representation Places, to the AOC for selection.

6.6  If Australia receives three or more Continental Representation Places, the National Federation will determine the two Events in which Australia will be represented, in the following manner:

  • (a) the Athlete, or pair of Athletes for a doubles event, that are the least number of ranking positions away from achieving Automatic Qualification position in their Event will be selected;
  • (b) where two or more Athletes (including any pair of athletes for a doubles event are the same number of ranking positions away from achieving Automatic Qualification in their Event, then the National Federation will nominate the Athlete, or pair of Athletes if for a doubles Event, who in the opinion of the National Federation, in its absolute discretion:
    • (i)  will be most likely to achieve the highest competitive performance at the Games; and
    • (ii)  is, and will remain until the conclusion of the Games, positive ambassadors for the Sport, the National Federation and the Games.
  • (c) In making its determination under clause 6.6(b), the National Federation may have regard to all, any or none of the following considerations, in its absolute discretion:
    • (i)  the Athlete’s physical form and fitness;
    • (ii)  the likelihood that the Athlete will suffer an injury in the lead up to or during the Games;
    • (iii)  the benefit or detriment of the Athlete’s membership on the Team with respect to team dynamics, team behaviour and team performance;
    • (iv)  the extent to which the Athlete has demonstrated, during the Qualification Period:
      • (A) discipline;
      • (B) motivation; and
    • (v) the Athlete’s commitment to the Sport and to the Team.


  • 7.1  In making a determination under clause 6.6(b) the National Federation may, in its absolute discretion, have regard to Extenuating Circumstances.
  • 7.2  In the event that an Athlete determines that he or she is unable to attend a competition, camp, training session or other event during the Qualification Period(Nomination Event), that Athlete must notify the National Federation of his or her non-attendance in writing as soon as practicable.
  • 7.3  The National Federation may require an Athlete to undergo a medical examination as a requirement of considering non-attendance at a Nomination Event as an Extenuating Circumstance.


  • 8.1  The National Federation must notify Athletes of the Nomination Date in writing.
  • 8.2  The AOC may, in its absolute discretion extend the Nomination Date for the National Federation for any reason.
  • 8.3  The National Federation must nominate Athletes to the AOC by the Nomination Date. The National Federation must inform Athletes of their nomination or non-nomination by no later than:
    • (a) 48 hours prior to the Nomination Date, where such written notice would be received by the Athlete 14 days prior to the Sport Entries Deadline; or
    • (b) 24 hours prior to the Nomination Date, where such written notice would be received by the Athlete within 14 days of the Sport Entries Deadline,or such later date as the AOC advises the National Federation.
  • 8.4  Nominations submitted to the AOC must be in the form prescribed by the AOC or in a form that is otherwise acceptable to the AOC and include any such information that is required pursuant to the AOC Olympic Team Nomination and Selection By-Law.


This Nomination Criteria may only be amended with the written consent of the AOC Selection Committee.


This Nomination Criteria is governed by the laws of the State of New South Wales.