Badminton Australia

AGM 2024


  • Notice is hereby given that the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Badminton Australia Limited will be held via video teleconference (Teams) on Saturday 16 November at 11.15am for an 11.30am start.
  1. AGENDA – Any notices of motions under the Constitution and By-Laws to be included in the Agenda must be received in writing the to the CEO at no later than COB AEDT on Tuesday 22 October 2024 on the prescribed form located at .
  1. BUSINESS – The business of the AGM shall be to:
  • (i)      Confirm the minutes of the 2023 AGM
  • (ii)     Receive the 2023/2024 Annual Report of the Board, audited financial statements and present the coming years budget;
  • (iii)    Elect Directors as required;
  • (v)     Appointment of auditors;
  • (vii)   Consider any special business including any Constitution changes as recommended by the Board
  • (viii)   Attend to any general business items
  1. ELECTIONS – The following positions are due for election at this AGM:
  • Director, 2 year appointment (incumbent Rayoni Nelson)
  • Director, 2 year appointment (incumbent Geraldine Brown – not seeking reelection)

Please complete the nomination forms for elected positions on the Badminton Australia Board. All nominations must be received no later than COB AEDT on Tuesday 22 October 2024.

  1. VOTING – Only a voting delegate from each of the State/Territory Members is able to vote. Any other person member type can register to attend the AGM as an observer. Please find below links to voting delegate form.
  2. QUESTIONS FROM VOTING and LIFE MEMBERS – Questions from voting members are welcome and must be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer at least seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
  3. An Agenda, Annual Report and papers will be available to voting and eligible members no later than 25 October 2024. Badminton Australia looks forward to hosting the AGM and welcoming you all via Teams(details to be provided closer to the time).

Tjitte (TJ) Weistra – Chief Executive Officer
Badminton Australia
09 October 2024